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  • Azevedo, R.A. de, Santos, Q.C.L., Fluck, I.E., Rodrigues, D.J., Battirola, L.D. & Dambros, C. de S. (2021) Selective logging does not alter termite response to soil gradients in Amazonia. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 37, 43–49.

  • Cerezer, F.O., Cáceres, N.C. & Dambros, C.S. (2021) Effect of productivity on community size explains the latitudinal diversity gradient of South American small mammals. The American Naturalist, 716171.

  • Turcios-Casco, M.A., Gatti, R.C., Dri, G.F., Cáceres, N., Stevens, R. & de Sales Dambros, C. (2021) Ecological gradients explain variation of phyllostomid bat (Chiroptera: Phyllostomidae) diversity in Honduras. Mammalian Biology.

  • Dri, G.F., Fontana, C.S. & Dambros, C. de S. (2021) Estimating the impacts of habitat loss induced by urbanization on bird local extinctions. Biological Conservation, 256, 109064.

  • Cerezer, F., Azevedo, R.A., Nascimento, A., Franklin, E., Morais, J.W.D. & Dambros, C. de S. (2020) Latitudinal gradient of termite diversity indicates higher diversification and narrower thermal niches in the tropics. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

  • Dambros, C., Zuquim, G., Moulatlet, G.M., Costa, F.R.C., Tuomisto, H., Ribas, C.C., Azevedo, R., Baccaro, F., Bobrowiec, P.E.D., Dias, M.S., Emilio, T., Espirito-Santo, H.M.V., Figueiredo, F.O.G., Franklin, E., Freitas, C., Graça, M.B., d’Horta, F., Leitão, R.P., Maximiano, M., Mendonça, F.P., Menger, J., Morais, J.W., de Souza, A.H.N., Souza, J.L.P., da C. Tavares, V., do Vale, J.D., Venticinque, E.M., Zuanon, J. & Magnusson, W.E. (2020a) The role of environmental filtering, geographic distance and dispersal barriers in shaping the turnover of plant and animal species in Amazonia. Biodiversity and Conservation.

  • Dambros, C.S., Morais, J.W., Vasconcellos, A. & Franklin, E. (2020b) Defining a termite sampling protocol for ecological studies: An effective method to increase statistical power. European Journal of Soil Biology, 96, 103145.

  • Fluck, I.E., Cáceres, N., Hendges, C.D., Brum, M. do N. & Dambros, C.S. (2020) Climate and geographic distance are more influential than rivers on the beta diversity of passerine birds in Amazonia. Ecography, 46, 860–868.

  • Freiberg, J.A., de Sales Dambros, C., Rodrigues, E.N.L., Teixeira, R.A., Vieira, Â.D.H.N., de Almeida, H.S., de Faccio Carvalho, P.C. & Jacques, R.J.S. (2020) Increased grazing intensity in pastures reduces the abundance and richness of ground spiders in an integrated crop-livestock system. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 40, 1.

  • Azevedo, R., Dambros, C. de S. & Morais, J.W. de (2019a) A new termite species of the genus Dihoplotermes Araújo (Blattaria, Isoptera, Termitidae) from the Brazilian Amazonian rainforest. Acta Amazonica, 49, 17–23.

  • Azevedo, R.A. de, Wellington de Morais, J., Lang, C. & de Sales Dambros, C. (2019b) Discrimination of termite species using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). European Journal of Soil Biology, 93, 103084.

  • Camera, B.F., Miranda, E.B.P., Ribeiro-Jr., R.P., Barros, M., Draque, J., Waller, T., Micucci, P.A., Dambros, C.S. & Strüssmann, C. (2019) Historical Assumptions about the Predation Patterns of Yellow Anacondas (Eunectes notaeus): Are They Infrequent Feeders? Journal of Herpetology, 53, 47–52.

  • Menegotto, A., Dambros, C.S. & Netto, S.A. (2019) The scale‐dependent effect of environmental filters on species turnover and nestedness in an estuarine benthic community. Ecology.

  • M. T. P. Coelho, C. Dambros, D. F. Rosauer, E. B. Pereira, T. F. Rangel, Effects of neutrality and productivity on mammal richness and evolutionary history in Australia. Ecography (2018), doi:10.1111/ecog.03784.

  • A. K. N. C. D. Silva, C. D. S. Dambros, M. R. Pereira, C. E. Zartman, Is phenotypic variation reflected in habitat connectivity? A morphometric comparison of two moss species from insular and continuous habitats of the Amazon Basin. Bryophyte Diversity and Evolution. 39, 102–114 (2017).

  • Komura, D.L., Moncalvo, J.-M., Dambros, C.S., Bento, L.S., Neves, M.A. & Zartman, C.E. (2017) How do seasonality, substrate, and management history influence macrofungal fruiting assemblages in a central Amazonian Forest? Biotropica.

  • R. A. Azevedo, R. Sobral, C. S. Dambros, J. W. D. Morais, Description of the imago of Neocapritermes utiariti (Isoptera: Termitidae: Termitinae). Zootaxa. 4221, 494–496 (2017).

  • B. L. Zimmermann, C. S. Dambros, Sandro Santos, Association of microhabitat variables with the abundance and distribution of two neotropical freshwater decapods (Anomura: Brachyura). Journal of Crustacean Biology. 36, 198–204 (2016).

  • M. R. Pereira, C. S. Dambros, C. E. Zartman, Prezygotic resource-allocation dynamics and reproductive trade-offs in Calymperaceae (Bryophyta). Am. J. Bot. 103, 1838–1846 (2016).

  • Dambros, C.S., Morais, J.W., Vasconcellos, A., Souza, J.L.P., Franklin, E. & Gotelli, N.J. (2016) Association of ant predators and edaphic conditions with termite diversity in an amazonian rain forest. Biotropica, 48, 237–245.

  • C. Dambros, chaodist.R (2016;

  • C. E. Zartman, J. A. Amaral, J. N. Figueiredo, C. S. Dambros, Drought impacts survivorship and reproductive strategies of an epiphyllous leafy liverwort in central amazonia. Biotropica. 47, 172–178 (2015).

  • C. S. Dambros, N. C. Cáceres, L. Magnus, N. J. Gotelli, Effects of neutrality, geometric constraints, climate, and habitat quality on species richness and composition of Atlantic Forest small-mammals. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24, 1084–1093 (2015).

  • J. Stanton-Geddes, C. G. de Freitas, C. de Sales Dambros, In defense of P values: comment on the statistical methods actually used by ecologists. Ecology. 95, 637–642 (2014).

  • Freitas, C.G., de Sales Dambros, C., Eiserhardt, W.L., Costa, F.R.C., Svenning, J.-C. & Balslev, H. (2014) Phylogenetic structure of a palm community in the central Amazon: changes along a hydro-edaphic gradient. Plant Ecology, 215, 1173–1185.

  • Cáceres, N.C., Dambros, C.S., Melo, G.L., Sponchiado, J., Della-Flora, F. & Moura, M.O. (2014) Local randomness, vegetation type and dispersal drive bird and mammal’s diversity in a tropical South American region. Ecosphere, 5, art114.

  • C. R. Boelter, C. S. Dambros, H. E. M. Nascimento, C. E. Zartman, A tangled web in tropical tree-tops: effects of edaphic variation, neighbourhood phorophyte composition and bark characteristics on epiphytes in a central Amazonian forest. Journal of Vegetation Science. 25, 1090–1099 (2014).

  • M. R. Pereira, C. S. Dambros, C. E. Zartman, Will the real S yrrhopodon leprieurii please stand up? The influence of topography and distance on phenotypic variation in a widespread Neotropical moss. The Bryologist. 116, 58–64 (2013).

  • C. G. Freitas, C. Dambros, J. L. C. Camargo, Changes in seed rain across Atlantic Forest fragments in Northeast Brazil. Acta Oecologica. 53, 49–55 (2013).

  • C. de S. Dambros, V. N. V. da Silva, R. Azevedo, J. W. de Morais, Road-associated edge effects in Amazonia change termite community composition by modifying environmental conditions. Journal for Nature Conservation. 21, 279–285 (2013).

  • C. Dambros, poncho.R (2013;

  • C. S. Dambros, D. R. M. de Mendonça, T. G. Rebelo, J. W. de Morais, Termite species list in a terra firme and ghost forest associated with a hydroelectric plant in Presidente Figueiredo, Amazonas, Brazil. Check List. 8, 718–721 (2012).

  • C. D. Ritter, R. Lemes, A. B. B. de Morais, C. de S. Dambros, Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Hesperioidea and Papilionoidea) from Mixed Ombrophilous Forest fragments, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Biota Neotropica. 11, 361–368 (2011).

  • J. W. de Morais, Viviane dos Santos Oliveira, C. S. Dambros, S. Tapia-Coral, A. N. S. Acioli, Mesofauna do solo em diferentes sistemas de uso da terra no Alto Rio Solimoes, AM. Neotropical Entomology. 39, 145–152 (2010).

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